Canan Atalay is a sculptor living in Istanbul. In her earlier years, she studied Business Administration at Koç University. After graduating, she had a successful career in finance until she decided to change her path to become a fine artist in 2015.

She began her art education in Istanbul at Ada Art Studio and fell in love with making ceramic sculptures. In 2017, she decided to pursue her art education in New York. She attended The Art Students League of New York (“The League”), which is one the most reputable and well-known art schools in New York City. During her education, she was awarded with Merit Scholarship by The League on artistic merit.

She graduated from The League in 2021 specializing in ceramics and contemporary sculptures. During her career, she has taken part in several group exhibitions in The Phyllis Harriman Mason Gallery in New York. She also exhibited her works in several pop-up galleries in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Long Island and New Jersey between 2018-2020.

Her two current projects are called “Bloom” and "Grace."

In Bloom series, she explores the idea of evolution by integrating different features, qualities and characteristics of all life forms through the elegance of movement. Her subject matter is the evolution of life and its connection to earth. When working on this project, she goes beyond the lines of what we know today and asks questions like: We try to understand life and explain our existence with our present knowledge and perceptions. In fact, it’s all a mystery. What could be the future of our existence? How can we free ourselves from the current rules of life and nature; and would that change our perspective on our existence? Her inspiration is the idea of humans, plants and animals harmoniously fusing and creating a metamorphosis of new life forms defying the existing order and classifications of nature.

The Grace series is about reflecting the idea of power through the simplicity, refinement and smoothness of form. It’s about exploring ways to make shadow and light work harmoniously to form elegant and graceful lines. Power exists in all forms of life. It can be a strong wild animal, the love and tenderness of an expecting mother or at the deep, solid roots of a cedar tree. Before starting her work, she does extensive research on the anatomy and the characteristics of the subject. Creating unique shapes and forms is her biggest motivation and passion. What the viewer sees as the finished work is the integration of her imagination, the actuality of the figure and the expression of the concept of power.

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